Different Kinds of Divorce Resolution-Litigation, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

In addition to the traditional divorce litigation representation, both collaborative divorce and divorce mediation services are ways to proceed with a divorce in a much less aggressive manner. Petit & Dommershausen handles all three types of representation.

As a divorce mediator, Petit & Dommershausen does not take a sides. Our role is to help a couple to communicate and arrive at mutual agreements. Through mediation, you may be able to resolve disputes faster, with less bitterness, and at less cost than battling in court. The mediator can provide information about the divorce process and guide a discussion to help resolve issues. Petit & Dommershausen would not represent either party and could not provide legal advice. The couple can hire Petit & Dommershausen as a mediator if you have an attorney or if you are not represented by an attorney at all. During this process, the parties may communicate with one another directly in the presence of the mediator. The goal of mediation is to allow parties to reach agreements that meet the needs of both parties and their children without the financial and emotional cost of a court battle.

In contrast to the role in both the traditional litigation model or as a divorce mediator, as a collaborative attorney, we can function as settlement specialist rather adversarial advocate or mediator. This process requires both parties and their attorneys to actively listen and understand the other’s interests, needs, and goals since progress is made only when all parties work together to reach agreements within the collaborative framework; however, if an agreement cannot be reached, both attorneys must withdraw from representation in order to go forward in the litigating the divorce.

Whatever method you chose, having an experienced professional on your side makes the trauma of a divorce less. Let Petit & Dommershausen Law office help you with all your divorce needs in the Fox Valley.
