Dads and Divorce | Child Custody | Divorce Lawyers

“A father’s love is just as important to a child’s development as a mother’s, and sometimes more so, suggests a new review of about 100 studies published between 1949 and 2001.

Researchers found that, overall, the love — or rejection — of mothers and fathers equally affects kids’ behavior, self-esteem, emotional stability, and mental health. “But in some cases, the withdrawal of a father’s love seems to play a bigger role in kids’ problems with personality and psychological adjustment, delinquency, and substance abuse,” says study coauthor Ronald P. Rohner, Ph.D., director of the Center for the Study of Parental Acceptance and Rejection at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. And for others, the presence of a father’s love may do more to boost children’s sense of well-being and improve their emotional and physical health.”

An excerpt from an article by Sandra Y. Lee – found on Parents.Com 

Fathers have an important role in child development.  Don’t let a divorce proceeding undermine the important roles Fathers play in raising children.  Are you a Dad going through a divorce or custody battle? The Petit & Dommershausen, SC, family law division is well known for providing knowledgeable legal advice and is ready to help Dad’s with their legal needs.  We provide effective representation when you need it most.

Many times, Fathers may be weighing whether or not they need an attorney. Our standard response is that while that is your decision, divorce can have many ramifications for your children’s lives, your financial and emotional well-being, and can include many other complicated topics.  These issues might include dividing marital assets, bills and personal property; the awarding of maintenance (i.e. spousal support or alimony), child custody and child placement.

Although friends and relatives may have good intentions, their advice is without proper training and is likely to be inaccurate even when based upon their personal experiences. Circumstances in their cases may have been far different from those in your case or the laws may have changed since their divorce. It is like using another’s eyeglasses–they rarely fit properly.  As a result, a call to an experienced divorce lawyer may be an important first step.

A blog post prepare by Attorney Nathan Wojan.  Contact Attorney Wojan today at 920-739-9900.  Attorney Wojan, a Fox Valley Lawyer serves Appleton, Oshkosh, Outagamie, Winnebago, and all of Northeast Wisconsin.