Is My Child a Child Pornographer????

  At Petit & Dommershausen, we get calls many times from parents who tell us that the police are at their door, they have a search warrant and they want to take all the computers, electronic devices and phones from their household as part of the warrant.  They then tearfully explain that their child is…

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Benefits of Establishing Paternity

Establishing paternity has many benefits outside child support, but proof of paternity is required to receive those benefits. Many of the benefits only come into play in the event of the father’s death, therefore you shouldn’t delay establishing legal fatherhood. Social Security Benefits Paternity must be established for a child to receive a Social Security…

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17 and an adult????

If you are 17 years of age in Wisconsin you are an adult for criminal prosecution purposes. In Wisconsin, a juvenile is an adult if they commit an alleged crime after the age of 17 years. In many instances they can be waived to adult count at a much younger age. However, for any crime,…

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A brief guide to understanding small claims cases

1. Complaint: This document initiates a small claims action. The summons and complaint are completed by the plaintiff in a case. The plaintiff is the party bringing the claim to court. The complaint must set forth the claim for money, return of property, eviction, or personal injury damages that the plaintiff seeks to recover.

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OWI (DUI/DWI) and Your Driver's License

1) Arrest and Sample In Northeast Wisconsin, nearly all law enforcement agencies prefer to test your blood upon arrest for OWI. In most cases, the blood sample is sent to the State Hygiene Lab. 2) Notice of Suspension Usually, the arresting officer will receive the results of that blood test within a few weeks. If…

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Is your 17-year-old teen son guilty of a sex offense?

The dangers of social media. Your son has dated his girlfriend Jane for 6 months. At the last high school dance he breaks up with Jane and takes up with her best friend Mary. After a very public breakup, they exchange barbs with each other using various social media. As a result of facebook postings…

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