Posts by PD Blogger
Appealing a Criminal Conviction
What does a criminal appeal entail? I often receive calls from people that have retained other lawyers and have been sentenced in criminal matters and are unhappy with the results. The first question asked by people is: can I appeal this? The second question I am invariably asked is: how good do my chances look? …
Read MoreHow Do I Keep My Criminal Case Out of the Newspaper?
Criminal Case Newspaper | Criminal Charge Publicity I am often asked how I can keep somebody’s case out of the newspaper. Unfortunately, under the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution, there is the freedom of the press. Any criminal type charges, aside from actions in juvenile court, are open to the public. The documents…
Read MoreControlling Costs in a Divorce | Cost-Effective Divorce
TIPS TO CONTROL COSTS IN A DIVORCE When you’re stuck in an emotional battle with your soon-to-be ex-spouse and it feels like money is flying out the door and the fees are mounting faster than the results. These tips will help you understand how to better manage your divorce so costs don’t skyrocket out of…
Read MoreDads and Divorce | Child Custody | Divorce Lawyers
“A father’s love is just as important to a child’s development as a mother’s, and sometimes more so, suggests a new review of about 100 studies published between 1949 and 2001. Researchers found that, overall, the love — or rejection — of mothers and fathers equally affects kids’ behavior, self-esteem, emotional stability, and mental health.…
Read MoreThe Law Firm with the Cars | Fiat | Appleton | Oshkosh | Wisconsin
PETIT & DOMMERSHAUSEN, S.C. | FIAT | THE LAW FIRM WITH THE CARS Have you been to the Outagamie Courthouse, Winnebago Courthouse, or another Northeast Wisconsin Courthouse lately? Did you see any Fiat vehicles letting you know about our firm? Well you have found us. We are Petit & Dommershausen, S.C. We are located in Menasha…
Read MoreStiffer Penalties for OWI Offenses in Appleton and Oshkosh
Stiffer penalties are now coming in 2017 for people convicted of Operating While Intoxicated in Appleton, Oshkosh, and throughout Wisconsin. The new law becomes effective, kicks in, on Jan. 1, 2017. The new law makes a fourth OWI offense a felony and will also increases the maximum sentence for fifth and sixth offenses from three years imprisonment to…
Read MoreAttorney Britteny LaFond | Big Brothers Big Sisters | Board of Directors
Attorney Britteny LaFond has been named to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fox Valley Region Board of Directors. Ms. LaFond is committed to providing children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Ms. LaFond is driven to help all children achieve success in…
Read MoreUW – Oshkosh Titans Football
2008 UW – Oshkosh alumni Attorney Nathan Wojan and the rest of the Attorneys and Staff at Petit & Dommershausen, S.C., congratulate the 2016 UW – Oshkosh Titans on their hard earned Stagg Bowl berth. We will be cheering the Titans on from 2001 Bowen Street in Oshkosh and throughout Northeast Wisconsin.
Read MoreRestorative Justice
How Restorative Justice Can Help Everyone Impacted by Crime Restorative justice is a philosophical approach to dealing with crime in the community and working to repair some (or in some cases, all) of the damage. It invokes the participation of victims, the community, and offenders. Dr. Howard Zehr, a scholar in restorative justice says we…
Read MoreAppeals with Petit & Dommershausen
“What to Expect When You File a Criminal Case Appeal: A Bird’s Eye View” Part 2 Process and Analysis Every attorney who handles criminal appeals has a different preference as to when they meet with their client — some prefer right away, others after receiving the court file, others not until after they have received some or…
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