How much will a Child Support Attorney cost?

Cost considerations are an important factor in the selection of any good or service. Making an informed choice necessarily includes an assessment of possible costs. These questions often are raised when considering hiring a lawyer to assist with a child support matter. Child Support Lawyer from the Child Support Agency Many folks first experience with…

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School District Choice: Who makes it?

So, you and your significant other separated and have a joint custody/joint placement order. Sharing placement has been relatively calm but now your child needs to start school.  The two of  you live in different school districts so who gets to choose the school district? Under Wisconsin statutes, joint legal custody means that the parents…

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Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

What is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order? A judge or circuit court commissioner may grant an injunction, also known as a restraining order, that orders a person to refrain from committing acts of domestic abuse against the petitioner, to avoid the petitioner’s residence, or any other location temporarily occupied by the petitioner or both, or…

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Paternity Law In Wisconsin

DECLARATION OF PATERNAL INTEREST Don’t let your parental rights be terminated without your knowledge!! Do you believe someone you slept with could be carrying your child?  If so, do you want to be notified if the mom is making the important decision to give the child up for adoption? If the answer is yes, you…

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Grandparents Rights

Thank you for visiting this page.  Be aware there is an update to this posting.  The law has changed or the application of the law has changed in practice.  Please visit this blog for the most up to date information. Grandparent Rights in Wisconsin Most states allow at least some form of grandparent visitation, after…

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Back to School Tips for Divorcing Parents

As the school year begins again, co-parenting issues often come to a boiling point.  Here are some tips to try and co-parent in a more effective and efficient manner in the days ahead. Otherwise, you and your ex will be in and out of court asking the court to order solutions which cause your child…

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Divorce Mediation Divorce can be emotionally, financially, and physically stressful. Divorce mediation is a way to reduce stress. While protracted litigation is necessary in some cases, for many people, mediation is an effective alternative that allows you to reach an agreement in the least stressful way. In a divorce mediation, a neutral mediator assists a…

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Trying to Move with Joint Custody of a Child?

[Editor’s Note: The Law has changed. Please consult with a professional at Petit & Dommershausen for additional information. New blog post forthcoming.] Parents Should Know In Wisconsin, if parents share custody and physical placement, you have to provide the other parent with at least 60 days’ written notice if you want to move out of…

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Co-Parenting Tips for a Happy Holiday

Holidays can be a difficult time for divorced or separated families especially when people crave the perfect family event. It can be emotionally gut wrenching having to split holiday time with your ex and knowing that the person passing the gravy to your kids is not you, but your ex’s new love.  Protect your kids…

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